LoRaWAN connector
- class whad.lorawan.connector.LoRaWAN(device: ~whad.device.device.WhadDevice = None, channel_plan: ~whad.lorawan.channel.ChannelPlan = <class 'whad.lorawan.channel.EU868'>)[source]
Basic LoRaWAN connector to use with a LoRa compatible hardware.
This connector provides the basic features to send and receive LoRaWAN packets with a specific channel plan.
- __init__(device: ~whad.device.device.WhadDevice = None, channel_plan: ~whad.lorawan.channel.ChannelPlan = <class 'whad.lorawan.channel.EU868'>)[source]
Initialize this LoRaWAN connector.
- Parameters:
device (
) – Compatible device to use.channel_plan (
) – Channel plan to use
- join(app_key: bytes, app_eui: str, dev_eui: str, dev_nonce: int)[source]
Perform an OTAA join procedure
See section 6.2.1 from LoRaWAN Specifications version 1.1
- Parameters:
app_key (bytes) – Application key
app_eui (str) – Application EUI
dev_eui (str) – Device EUI
dev_nonce (str) – Device nonce
- on_packet(packet: PHYPayload)[source]
Callback method for incoming packet processing
- Parameters:
packet (
) – Received packet
- reconfigure(channel: ChannelModParams, crc: bool = True, invert_iq: bool = False)[source]
Reconfigure hardware with provided parameters.
- Parameters:
channel (
) – Target channel modulation parameters.crc (bool, optional) – Enable CRC if set to True, disabled if set to False
invert_iq (bool, optional) – Invert IQ if set to True
- rx1()[source]
Configure hardware to listen on RX1.
RX1 channel is chosen depending on the channel plan.
- rx2()[source]
Configure hardware to listen on RX2.
RX2 channel is usually a single channel with more reliable modulation parameters used as a backup channel for downlink communication.
- send(packet, timestamp: float = None)[source]
Send a LoRaWAN frame with current LoRa modulation parameters.
- Parameters:
packet (
) – Packet to sendtimestamp (float, optional) – If provided, will send the packet at the given timestamp
- uplink()[source]
Configure hardware to transmit on a random uplink channel.
A random uplink channel is picked from the ones defined in the channel plan, and hardware is reconfigured to listen and send on the corresponding frequency with the associated modulation parameters.
- wait_packet(timeout: float = None)[source]
Wait for a LoRaWAN packet.
If timeout is set, wait for the given time and return None if no packet has been received. If timeout is not provided, this method will block until a valid packet is received.
- Parameters:
timeout (float, optional) – Timeout in seconds