Getting started

IEEE 802.15.4 wireless protocol is widely used by some well-known protocols such as ZigBee, RF4CE or 6LoWPAN.

WHAD provides a basic connector, whad.dot15d4.connector.Dot15d4, to handle IEEE 802.15.4 communications.

Sniffing packets

The whad.dot15d4.connector.sniffer.Sniffer connector provides sniffing capability for IEEE 802.15.4 packets. All we have to do is simply set the channel and sniff packets:

from whad.device import WhadDevice
from whad.dot15d4 import Sniffer

# Create a compatible device instance
device = WhadDevice.create("uart0")

# Use a sniffer connector
sniffer = Sniffer(device)

# Set channel = 11

# Listen for packets
for packet in sniffer.sniff():

Sending packets

Sending IEEE 802.15.4 packets is as easy as it sounds, simply use the whad.dot15d4.connector.Dot15d4.send() as follows:

from whad.device import WhadDevice
from whad.dot15d4 import Sniffer

# Create a compatible device instance
device = WhadDevice.create("uart0")

# Use a default Dot15d4 connector
connector = Dot15d4(device)

# Send 802.15.4 packet
connector.send(b"Hello World !")