"""This module provides a connector to use LoRaWAN capable hardware.
from time import sleep
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from queue import Queue, Empty
from struct import pack, unpack
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from Cryptodome.Hash import CMAC
from scapy.contrib.loraphy2wan import PHYPayload, Join_Request, Join_Accept
from whad.device import WhadDevice
from whad.phy.connector.lora import LoRa
from whad.lorawan.channel import EU868, ChannelModParams, ChannelPlan
from whad.lorawan.exceptions import NotStartedException
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def eui_to_bytes(eui):
values = eui.lower().split(':')[::-1]
assert len(values) == 8
return bytes([int(v, 16) for v in values])
def compute_mic(appkey, buffer):
c = CMAC.new(appkey, ciphermod=AES)
return c.digest()[:4]
class LoRaWAN(LoRa):
'''Basic LoRaWAN connector to use with a LoRa compatible hardware.
This connector provides the basic features to send and receive LoRaWAN packets
with a specific channel plan.
def __init__(self, device : WhadDevice = None, channel_plan : ChannelPlan = EU868):
"""Initialize this LoRaWAN connector.
:param device: Compatible device to use.
:type device: :class:`whad.device.WhadDevice`
:param channel_plan: Channel plan to use
:type channel_plan: :class:`whad.lorawan.channel.ChannelPlan`
# Configure channel plan
logger.debug('Channel plan set to %s' % channel_plan.__name__)
self.__channel_plan = channel_plan()
self.__pkt_queue = Queue()
self.__cr = 45
# Keep track of current status
self.__started = False
# Default mode is uplink
def uplink(self):
'''Configure hardware to transmit on a random uplink channel.
A random uplink channel is picked from the ones defined in the channel
plan, and hardware is reconfigured to listen and send on the corresponding
frequency with the associated modulation parameters.
self.__current_channel = self.__channel_plan.pick_channel()
logger.debug('TX channel: %s' % self.__current_channel)
def rx1(self):
'''Configure hardware to listen on RX1.
RX1 channel is chosen depending on the channel plan.
# Retrieve RX1 channel modulation parameters from channel plan
rx1_channel = self.__channel_plan.get_rx1(self.__current_channel.number)
logger.debug('RX1 channel: %s' % rx1_channel)
# Change hardware configuration only if needed
if rx1_channel != self.__current_channel or self.crc_enabled:
self.reconfigure(rx1_channel, crc=False, invert_iq=True)
def rx2(self):
'''Configure hardware to listen on RX2.
RX2 channel is usually a single channel with more reliable modulation
parameters used as a backup channel for downlink communication.
rx2_channel = self.__channel_plan.get_rx2()
logger.debug('RX2 channel: %s' % rx2_channel)
# Change hardware configuration only if needed
if rx2_channel != self.__current_channel or self.crc_enabled:
self.reconfigure(rx2_channel, crc=False, invert_iq=True)
def start(self, coding_rate: int=45):
"""Start the LoRaWAN adapter into receive mode by default.
# Start listening
logger.debug('Starting hardware (RX mode)')
self.__started = True
def stop(self):
"""Stop the LoRaWAN adapter.
logger.debug('Stopping hardware')
self.__started = False
def send(self, packet, timestamp: float = None):
'''Send a LoRaWAN frame with current LoRa modulation parameters.
:param packet: Packet to send
:type packet: :class:`whad.scapy.layers.lorawan.PHYPayload`
:param timestamp: If provided, will send the packet at the given timestamp
:type timestamp: float, optional
# Make sure hardware has been started
if not self.__started:
raise NotStartedException
# Send LoRaWAN frame
if timestamp is not None:
logger.debug('Programming packet %s at %f' % (hexlify(bytes(packet)), timestamp))
pkt_id = super().schedule_send(packet, timestamp)
logger.debug('packet id is %d' % pkt_id)
return pkt_id
logger.debug('Sending packet %s' % hexlify(bytes(packet)))
def on_packet(self, packet : PHYPayload):
"""Callback method for incoming packet processing
:param packet: Received packet
:type packet: :class:`whad.scapy.layers.lorawan.PHYPayload`
logger.debug('Received LoRaWAN payload: %s' % hexlify(bytes(packet)))
# Add packet to our packet queue
pkt = PHYPayload(bytes(packet))
pkt.metadata = packet.metadata
def wait_packet(self, timeout : float = None):
"""Wait for a LoRaWAN packet.
If timeout is set, wait for the given time and return None if no
packet has been received. If timeout is not provided, this method
will block until a valid packet is received.
:param timeout: Timeout in seconds
:type timeout: float, optional
logger.debug('Waiting for incoming packet ...')
packet = self.__pkt_queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
logger.debug('Packet received !')
return packet
except Empty as empty:
return None
def __process_join_accept(self, app_key, packet):
'''Process an encrypted JoinAccept
# Decrypt and verify JoinAccept
if len(packet.Join_Accept_Encrypted) > 0:
ja_enc = packet.Join_Accept_Encrypted
# Decrypt JoinAccept
c = AES.new(app_key, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
ja_dec = c.encrypt(ja_enc)
ja_dec, mic = ja_dec[:-4], ja_dec[-4:]
resp = Join_Accept(ja_dec)
logger.debug('Decrypted JoinAccept: %s' % hexlify(ja_dec))
logger.debug('JoinAccept MIC: %s' % hexlify(mic))
# Check MIC
buf = b'\x20' + ja_dec
exp_mic = compute_mic(app_key, buf)
if exp_mic == mic:
logger.debug('MIC is OK')
# Return JoinAccept if MIC is OK
return resp
logger.debug('MIC does not match (expected: %s)' % exp_mic)
return None
def join(self, app_key : bytes, app_eui : str, dev_eui : str, dev_nonce : int):
'''Perform an OTAA join procedure
See section 6.2.1 from LoRaWAN Specifications version 1.1
:param app_key: Application key
:type app_key: bytes
:param app_eui: Application EUI
:type app_eui: str
:param dev_eui: Device EUI
:type dev_eui: str
:param dev_nonce: Device nonce
:type dev_nonce: str
logger.debug('Building a join request for APPEUI %s, DEVEUI %s' % (
logger.debug('Using DevNonce=0x%04x' % dev_nonce)
join_req = Join_Request()
join_req.AppEUI = eui_to_bytes(app_eui)
join_req.DevEUI = eui_to_bytes(dev_eui)
join_req.DevNonce = dev_nonce
logging.debug('Generating PHY payload from JoinRequest ...')
phy_jr = PHYPayload()
phy_jr.MType = 0x00 # join request
phy_jr.Join_Request_Field = join_req
mic = compute_mic(app_key, bytes(phy_jr)[:-4])
phy_jr.MIC = unpack('>I', mic)[0]
logging.debug('PHY[JoinRequest]: %s' % hexlify(bytes(phy_jr)))
logging.debug(' - MIC: %s' % hexlify(mic))
# Send join request
# Wait for join request to be sent
# Switch to RX1
logger.debug('Opening RX1 window...')
# Wait for a join accept
ja = self.wait_packet(5.5)
if ja is not None:
# Decrypt and verify JoinAccept
result = self.__process_join_accept(app_key, ja)
if result is not None:
logger.debug('Received a JoinAccept on RX1')
return result
# Switch to RX2
logger.debug('Opening RX2 window...')
# Wait for a JoinAccept (again)
ja = self.wait_packet(5.5)
if ja is not None:
# Decrypt and verify JoinAccept
result = self.__process_join_accept(ja)
if result is not None:
logger.debug('Received a JoinAccept on RX2')
return result
# Join failed
logger.debug('No JoinAccept received, join procedure FAILED')
# Switch back to uplink
return None