wfilter: generic packet filtering and processing tool

wfilter allows simple packet processing and filtering and is intended to be used chained with other WHAD tools. This tool can alter packets coming from the previous tool in the processing chain to the next tool (upstream) or the other way (downstream).


... | wfilter [OPTIONS] FILTER | ...

Command-line options

wplay supports the following options:

  • --down: process downstream packets

  • --up: process upstream packets

  • --transform (-t): apply a transform to packets

  • --invert (-e): invert filter

  • --forward (-f): forward packets that do not match the specified filter (dropped by default)

  • --load (-l): load specified Python module containing extra Scapy layers definitions

Specifying a filter

wfilter relies on a filter to process the flow of packets going through the packet processing chain, this filter is defined as a Python expression that must return a boolean value. The packet is available in this expression as p (also as pkt or packet for readability) and is a Scapy packet object.

For instance, specifying the filter BTLE_ADV_IND in p will specify a filter that would match any packet that contains the BTLE_ADV_IND layer (Bluetooth Low Energy indirected advertisement in this specific case).

Inverting filter

The --invert / -e option will invert the filter expression.

Specifying additional Scapy layers

The --load / -l option can be used to specify a Python module containing additional Scapy layers definitions to load. This can come handy when working on non-standard protocols for which Scapy does not have any layer defined.

This option can be used more than once to load as many Python module as necessary.

Applying a transform to matching packets

The --transform / -t option can be used to transform a packet that matches the provided filter, combined with --up or --down to specify which packets need to be processed. --up will tell wfilter to process upstream packets, that is packets sent by the previous tool in the processing chain to the next tool while --down will apply this transform to downstream packets coming from the next tool to the previous tool in the chain. If both --up and --down are specified, transform will be applied to upstream and downstream packets.

The transform must be specified as a Python expression altering the packet, refered as p in the transform expression.


Non-matching packets will not be forwarded as dropped by default by the specified filter.

Applying a transform to matching packets and forwarding other packets

The --forward / -f option tells wfilter to apply the specified transform to packets that match the provided filter expression, as detailed above, but also to forward other packets without applying any transform instead of just dropping them.

Therefore, combining --transform with --forward allow to apply a specific transform on some packets while keeping the others untouched.

Simple packet filtering

As a first example, we are going to filter BLE packets to only keep BLE advertisements from a specific advertising device (cc:5f:f0:e5:81:75):

$ wplay --flush ressources/pcaps/ble_discovery.pcap ble | wfilter "BTLE_ADV_IND in p and p.AdvA == 'cc:5f:f0:e5:81:75'"
[ raw=True, decrypted=False, timestamp=0, channel=0, rssi=-50, direction=0, connection_handle=0, is_crc_valid=True, relative_timestamp=0, processed=False, encrypt=False ]
<BTLE  access_addr=0x8e89bed6 crc=0x0 |<BTLE_ADV  RxAdd=public TxAdd=public ChSel=#2 RFU=0 PDU_type=ADV_IND Length=0x25 |<BTLE_ADV_IND  AdvA=cc:5f:f0:e5:81:75 data=[<EIR_Hdr  len=2 type=flags |<EIR_Flags  flags=general_disc_mode+br_edr_not_supported |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=17 type=complete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids |<EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs  svc_uuids=[UUID('bdce0001-e90d-4685-b89d-5578cd199a9f')] |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=9 type=mfg_specific_data |<EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data  company_id=0xffff |<Raw  load='u\\x81\\xe5\\xf0_\\xcc' |>>>] |>>>

[ raw=True, decrypted=False, timestamp=86188, channel=0, rssi=-50, direction=0, connection_handle=0, is_crc_valid=True, relative_timestamp=0, processed=False, encrypt=False ]
<BTLE  access_addr=0x8e89bed6 crc=0x0 |<BTLE_ADV  RxAdd=public TxAdd=public ChSel=#2 RFU=0 PDU_type=ADV_IND Length=0x25 |<BTLE_ADV_IND  AdvA=cc:5f:f0:e5:81:75 data=[<EIR_Hdr  len=2 type=flags |<EIR_Flags  flags=general_disc_mode+br_edr_not_supported |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=17 type=complete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids |<EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs  svc_uuids=[UUID('bdce0001-e90d-4685-b89d-5578cd199a9f')] |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=9 type=mfg_specific_data |<EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data  company_id=0xffff |<Raw  load='u\\x81\\xe5\\xf0_\\xcc' |>>>] |>>>

Simple packet processing

Next, we are going to modify the received signal strength of all packets to -20:

$ wplay --flush ressources/pcaps/ble_discovery.pcap ble | wfilter -t "p.metadata.rssi=-20" --down
[ raw=True, decrypted=False, timestamp=0, channel=0, rssi=-20, direction=0, connection_handle=0, is_crc_valid=True, relative_timestamp=0, processed=False, encrypt=False ]
<BTLE  access_addr=0x8e89bed6 crc=0x0 |<BTLE_ADV  RxAdd=public TxAdd=public ChSel=#2 RFU=0 PDU_type=ADV_IND Length=0x25 |<BTLE_ADV_IND  AdvA=cc:5f:f0:e5:81:75 data=[<EIR_Hdr  len=2 type=flags |<EIR_Flags  flags=general_disc_mode+br_edr_not_supported |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=17 type=complete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids |<EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs  svc_uuids=[UUID('bdce0001-e90d-4685-b89d-5578cd199a9f')] |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=9 type=mfg_specific_data |<EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data  company_id=0xffff |<Raw  load='u\\x81\\xe5\\xf0_\\xcc' |>>>] |>>>

[ raw=True, decrypted=False, timestamp=86188, channel=0, rssi=-20, direction=0, connection_handle=0, is_crc_valid=True, relative_timestamp=0, processed=False, encrypt=False ]
<BTLE  access_addr=0x8e89bed6 crc=0x0 |<BTLE_ADV  RxAdd=public TxAdd=public ChSel=#2 RFU=0 PDU_type=ADV_IND Length=0x25 |<BTLE_ADV_IND  AdvA=cc:5f:f0:e5:81:75 data=[<EIR_Hdr  len=2 type=flags |<EIR_Flags  flags=general_disc_mode+br_edr_not_supported |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=17 type=complete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids |<EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs  svc_uuids=[UUID('bdce0001-e90d-4685-b89d-5578cd199a9f')] |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=9 type=mfg_specific_data |<EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data  company_id=0xffff |<Raw  load='u\\x81\\xe5\\xf0_\\xcc' |>>>] |>>>

Or we also can change the advertiser address to 11:22:33:44:55:66 for every BTLE_ADV_IND packet:

$ wplay --flush ressources/pcaps/ble_discovery.pcap ble | wfilter -t "p[BTLE_ADV_IND].AdvA='11:22:33:44:55:66'" --down "BTLE_ADV_IND in p"
[ raw=True, decrypted=False, timestamp=0, channel=0, rssi=-50, direction=0, connection_handle=0, is_crc_valid=True, relative_timestamp=0, processed=False, encrypt=False ]
<BTLE  access_addr=0x8e89bed6 crc=0x0 |<BTLE_ADV  RxAdd=public TxAdd=public ChSel=#2 RFU=0 PDU_type=ADV_IND Length=0x25 |<BTLE_ADV_IND  AdvA=11:22:33:44:55:66 data=[<EIR_Hdr  len=2 type=flags |<EIR_Flags  flags=general_disc_mode+br_edr_not_supported |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=17 type=complete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids |<EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs  svc_uuids=[UUID('bdce0001-e90d-4685-b89d-5578cd199a9f')] |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=9 type=mfg_specific_data |<EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data  company_id=0xffff |<Raw  load='u\\x81\\xe5\\xf0_\\xcc' |>>>] |>>>

[ raw=True, decrypted=False, timestamp=86188, channel=0, rssi=-50, direction=0, connection_handle=0, is_crc_valid=True, relative_timestamp=0, processed=False, encrypt=False ]
<BTLE  access_addr=0x8e89bed6 crc=0x0 |<BTLE_ADV  RxAdd=public TxAdd=public ChSel=#2 RFU=0 PDU_type=ADV_IND Length=0x25 |<BTLE_ADV_IND  AdvA=11:22:33:44:55:66 data=[<EIR_Hdr  len=2 type=flags |<EIR_Flags  flags=general_disc_mode+br_edr_not_supported |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=17 type=complete_list_128_bit_svc_uuids |<EIR_CompleteList128BitServiceUUIDs  svc_uuids=[UUID('bdce0001-e90d-4685-b89d-5578cd199a9f')] |>>, <EIR_Hdr  len=9 type=mfg_specific_data |<EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data  company_id=0xffff |<Raw  load='u\\x81\\xe5\\xf0_\\xcc' |>>>] |>>>