wble-central: Bluetooth Low Energy GATT client

wble-central provides a scanner that can be used to detect surrounding BLE devices as well as a GATT client allowing to connect to a remote BLE device and access its services and characteristics. This tool must be used with a device supporting the Bluetooth Low Energy domain.


wble-central [OPTIONS] ([COMMAND] ([COMMAND ARGS]))

wble-central accepts one or more options, and requires a valid command as its first parameter. This command may or may not accepts arguments.

Command-line options

wble-central supports the following options:

  • --interface (-i): specifies the WHAD interface to use

  • --bdaddr (-b): specifies a target Bluetooth Device address in the form XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

  • --file (-f): provides a script to execute

  • --no-color: disables colors in output

Supported commands


$ wble-central help [command]

The help command provides useful help about any command implemented in wble-central.


$ wble-central -i <interface> interactive

The interactive command provides an interactive shell allowing the user to scan, connect and access a Bluetooth Low Energy device in an interactive way.

A WHAD interface name must be be provided through the --interface option for this interactive shell to work properly. It will complain if you forget to provide one.

$ wble-central -i hci0 interactive

More information about this interactive shell in the dedicated section.


$ wble-central -i <interface> -b <bdaddress> scan

The profile command connects to a specific Bluetooth Low Energy device and queries its services and characteristics. The --interface and --bdaddr options must be provided.

$ wble-central -i hci0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 profile
Service Generic Attribute (0x1801) (handle 0x0001 to 0x0005)
  Service Changed (0x2A05) I, handle 0x0002, value handle 0x0003

Service Generic Access (0x1800) (handle 0x0014 to 0x001e)
  Device Name (0x2A00) R, handle 0x0015, value handle 0x0016
  Appearance (0x2A01) R, handle 0x0017, value handle 0x0018

Service ade3d529-c784-4f63-a987-eb69f70ee816 (handle 0x0028 to 0xffff)
  e9241982-4580-42c4-8831-95048216b256 RI, handle 0x0029, value handle 0x002a
  ad7b334f-4637-4b86-90b6-9d787f03d218 RW, handle 0x002b, value handle 0x002c
    Descriptor type 2902, handle 0x002d


$ wble-central -i <interface> scan

The scan command searches for surrounding BLE devices and displays them in the output. An interface must be provided with the --interface option for this command to work properly.

$ wble-central -i hci0 scan
 RSSI Lvl  Type  BD Address        Extra info
[ -58 dBm] [PUB] d0:d0:03:77:53:28
[ -58 dBm] [PUB] d0:d0:03:77:53:28 name:"[TV] Samsung 7 Series (55)"


$ wble-central -i <interface> -b <address> read [UUID | handle]

The read command connects to a specified BLE device and reads a given characteristic. The parameter passed to this command may be a valid characteristic UUID or a GATT handle.

$ wble-central -i hci0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 read 81
00000000: 22 76 65 72 22 3A 22 34  22                       "ver":"4"


$ wble-central -i <interface> -b <address> write [UUID | handle] [["hex"] VALUE]

The write command connects to a specified BLE device and writes a given characteristic with a given value. Characteristic must be identified with its UUID or GATT handle. The provided value can be a string or a HEX value.

$wble-central -i hci0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 write 42 "this is a test"
$wble-central -i hci0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 read 42
00000000: 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20  61 20 74 65 73 74        this is a test

$wble-central -i hci0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 write 42 hex 41 42 43
$wble-central -i hci0 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 read 42
00000000: 41 42 43                                          ABC


$ wble-central -i <interface> -b <address> write [UUID | handle] [["hex"] VALUE]

The writecmd command is similar to the previous write command, accepts the same parameters, but sens a GATT WriteRequestWithNoResponse instead of a WriteRequest.

This type of write operation does not cause the remote device to acknowledge that the data has been correctly written.

Interactive shell

The interactive shell offers the possibility to dynamically interact with any device, with an helpful interface that provides autocompletion. This interactive shell implements all the commands supported by wble-central in non-interactive mode plus some extra commands.



Starts a scan that can be interrupted by a CTL-C. The discovered devices are shown in the console as they are discovered.

wble-central> scan
 RSSI Lvl  Type  BD Address        Extra info
[ -62 dBm] [PUB] d0:d0:03:77:53:28
[ -62 dBm] [PUB] d0:d0:03:77:53:28 name:"[TV] Samsung 7 Series (55)"
Scan terminated by user


info [NAME | BDADDR]

Shows detailed information about a previously discovered device. The device NAME or BD address BDADDR must be provided as parameter.

wble-central> info d0:d0:03:77:53:28
Device d0:d0:03:77:53:28
RSSI:               -62 dBm
Address type:       public

Raw advertising records

  AD Record #0:
   02 01 0a

  AD Record #1:
   1b ff 75 00 42 04 01 20 76 19 0f 00 00 01 37 00
   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



Shows the previously discovered devices.

wble-central> devices
 RSSI Lvl  Type  BD Address        Extra info
[ -62 dBm] [PUB] d0:d0:03:77:53:28 name:"[TV] Samsung 7 Series (55)"


connect [NAME | BDADDR]

Initiates a GATT connection to the specified device identified by its NAME or BD address BDADDR.

wble-central> connect d0:d0:03:77:53:28
Successfully connected to target d0:d0:03:77:53:28



Searches the device services and characteristics and display its GATT profile.

wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> profile

Service 1801

 2A05 handle: 2, value handle: 3
  | access rights: indicate

Service 1800

 2A00 handle: 21, value handle: 22
  | access rights: read
 2A01 handle: 23, value handle: 24
  | access rights: read

Service ade3d529-c784-4f63-a987-eb69f70ee816

 e9241982-4580-42c4-8831-95048216b256 handle: 41, value handle: 42
  | access rights: read, indicate
 ad7b334f-4637-4b86-90b6-9d787f03d218 handle: 43, value handle: 44
  | access rights: read, write



Shows the discovered characteristics.

wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> characteristics
 2A05 handle: 2, value handle: 3
  | access rights: indicate
 2A00 handle: 21, value handle: 22
  | access rights: read
 2A01 handle: 23, value handle: 24
  | access rights: read
 e9241982-4580-42c4-8831-95048216b256 handle: 41, value handle: 42
  | access rights: read, indicate
 ad7b334f-4637-4b86-90b6-9d787f03d218 handle: 43, value handle: 44
  | access rights: read, write


read [UUID | HANDLE]

Reads a characteristic given its UUID or HANDLE.

wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> read 22
00000000: 5B 54 56 5D 20 53 61 6D  73 75 6E 67 20 37 20 53  [TV] Samsung 7 S
00000010: 65 72 69 65 73 20                                 eries


write [UUID | HANDLE] [["hex"] VALUE]

Writes VALUE to the characteristic identified by its UUID or HANDLE. VALUE must be provided in HEX if prefixed by hex.

wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> write 22 "This is a test"



Subscribes to a characteristic identified by its UUID or HANDLE. Notifications and indications will be notified in the console.

wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> sub 22


unsub [UUID | HANDLE]

Unsubscribes from a characteristic identified by its UUID or HANDLE.

wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> unsub 22


set [VAR] [VALUE]

Set the VALUE of variable VAR. VALUE can be any text or another value. This value can be used in any command using $VAR.

wble-central> set TARGET d0:d0:03:77:53:28



Shows all the declared variables.

wble-central> env


unset [VAR]

Unsets variable VAR. Once done, variable VAR does not exist anymore.

wble-central> unset TARGET


wireshark [on | off]

Launches Wireshark and displays BLE packets in real-time or closes an existing instance of Wireshark. This helps investigating GATT operations but also allows saving capture packets as PCAP.

For instance, reading the characteristic with handle 22 of the currently connected device while Wireshark is monitoring produces the following output in the interactive shell:

wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> wireshark on
wble-central|d0:d0:03:77:53:28> read 22
00000000: 5B 54 56 5D 20 53 61 6D  73 75 6E 67 20 37 20 53  [TV] Samsung 7 S
00000010: 65 72 69 65 73 20                                 eries

And the following output in Wireshark:


Quick tutorial

Scanning for available devices

whad-central is the CLI tool to use when dealing with BLE devices. This tool is able to scan, connect to a device and access its characteristics. It supports any HCI adapter (exposed as a virtual WHAD device) that may be present in your computer.

The following command looks for any available BLE devices in a terminal, providing detailed information about each discovered device:

$ wble-central -i hci1 scan
 RSSI Lvl  Type  BD Address        Extra info
[ -61 dBm] [PUB] d0:d0:03:77:53:28
[ -87 dBm] [PUB] 40:b3:14:04:b7:07
[ -87 dBm] [PUB] 40:b3:14:04:b7:07 name:"SomeDevice"

The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) is displayed as well as the BD address type (public or random), the BD address and some extra information extracted from the advertising records. But it is possible to get more information using the interactive mode of wble-central, with the info command as shown below:

$ wble-central -i hci1 interactive
wble-central> scan
 RSSI Lvl  Type  BD Address        Extra info
[ -62 dBm] [PUB] d0:d0:03:77:53:28
[ -92 dBm] [PUB] 40:b3:14:04:b7:07
Scan terminated by user
wble-central> info 40:b3:14:04:b7:07
Device 40:b3:14:04:b7:07
RSSI:            -92 dBm
Address type:    public

Raw advertising records

AD Record #0:
02 01 02

AD Record #1:
11 07 75 5d 03 75 bb 43 a8 85 54 4e 3c 76 21 dd
4e c7


Connecting to a device and reading a characteristic

Using the interactive mode, we can connect to a device and searches its services and characteristics using the connect and profile commands:

wble-central> connect
Successfully connected to target 40:b3:14:04:b7:07
wble-central|40:b3:14:04:b7:07> profile
Service 1801

2A05 handle: 2, value handle: 3
| access rights: indicate

Service 1800

2A00 handle: 21, value handle: 22
| access rights: read
2A01 handle: 23, value handle: 24
| access rights: read
2AA6 handle: 25, value handle: 26
| access rights: read

Once connected, you can read any characteristic based on its value handle with the read command, as shown below:

wble-central|40:b3:14:04:b7:07> read 22
00000000: 53 6f 6d 65 44 65 76 69 63 65                  SomeDevice